The story of Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42) puts generosity in the context of love for God. If you love God, it’s easy to love and serve others. Martha works to prepare dinner, while Mary sits and listens to Jesus. Martha wants Jesus to rebuke her sister for not helping, but instead Jesus commends Mary. But the story must be read against the backdrop of Luke’s Gospel as a whole, where the work of hospitality (a vital form of generosity in the ancient Near East) is one of the chief signs of the in-breaking of God’s kingdom.

We must make Jesus and God’s Word our priority. We come to Jesus though prayer, Bible Study and church attendance whether In-Person or online Worship Services. Martha is a hostess who wants to impress her guests and is distracted by the work she has to complete. While Mary is sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to His every word. Martha is sometimes compared to Peter, who was practical, impulsive, short-tempered and rebuking Jesus. Mary, on the other hand, is often compared to John who was reflective, loving, caring and calm . Both women played a prominent role in Jesus’ journey to the cross.
Mary and Martha are not enemies but sisters. Two sisters squabbling about household duties. Martha’s generous service is not minimized by Jesus, but she worries and that shows her service needs to be grounded in Mary’s kind of love for him. Together, the sisters embody the truth that love and generosity of God are intertwined realities. Martha’s generosity, Jesus commends for he is someone who cannot pay her back in kind. By sitting at Jesus’ feet, Mary shows that all service must be grounded in a lively personal relationship with Jesus. Following Christ means becoming like Martha and Mary. Be generous and love God. The relationship of the two sisters reinforce each other.
Tune in Sunday as we explore Jesus’ encounter with Mary and Martha, as He journeys to the cross.
I don’t know how, but I know Who?
Grace and Peace, Pastor Nelda
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