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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Recent action by KISD Board of Trustees posted regarding school new school year

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On Monday, August 3, the Kennedale ISD Board of Trustees held a special meeting during which time the Board discussed how the governmental guidance would impact the start of school in KISD.

Trustees reviewed feedback from parents regarding their preference for in-person or remote instruction, as well as a variety of logistical considerations. Trustees voted during the meeting to begin the school year in full remote instruction on Wednesday, August 26, and begin offering both in-person and remote instruction on Thursday, September 24.

With this decision, Kennedale ISD parents and guardians will be given the opportunity to select their student’s preferred learning option – IN PERSON or LEARNING@HOME – beginning on Monday, August 17.

Families can view the image below to learn more about the options available to students. More information will be sent before the selection process opens.

Thank you for your continued support and trust as we plan for the return of our KISD students and staff.

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