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12-year-old promotes “Keeping Kennedale Beautiful” and protecting the environment

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Krystin Sanders has been described as a fixture at the Kennedale City Council Meetings. She is there frequently to make suggestions, present information and in general to promote recycling efforts. She works with the Kennedale Beautiful Commission and recently won a state award for the efforts -?https://kennedalenews.com/local-student-wins-rd-in-state-contest-p642-90.htm.

Now she has been featured in an article in the Mansfield Magazine, July/August edition. ?In case you missed the article, here it is and the link to it and more at the Mansfield Magazine. {{more}}

Kidding Around

By Kerry Pipes

Krystin Sanders is in some ways the resident recycling expert in the city of Kennedale. The 12-year-old is passionate about recycling and protecting the environment. She has even spent time meeting with the city council and working with the Keep Kennedale Beautiful Commission. And just this year, she was recognized by the Keep Texas Beautiful organization and will be attending its conference in San Antonio.

Krystin and her family live in Kennedale. Her father is a 3D CAD designer for a company in Midlothian and her mom is a surgical scrub tech at?Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital – Arlington, TX? Krystin has a younger sister who ?thinks she hung the moon and loves to do everything her older sister does,? says her mom, LaCresha. The family loves to be together to watch movies, ride bikes or just play video games or board games at home.?

?But Krystin remains devoted to her cause. One of her recent blogs said: ?Plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kills as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures every year. A picture is worth a thousand words.? She wears her passion on her sleeve. Here?s what we found out about her.


How did you get interested in recycling??We moved to Mansfield from Kennedale when I was going into 1st?grade.? Mansfield had curbside recycling.? Then we moved back to Kennedale when I was in 3rd?grade I kept looking for the recycling bins to throw stuff in and it was gone.? And that is where it all started.


Tell us more about your recycling efforts and projects.?I have been going to city council meetings for awhile now.? I have been educating them on how important recycling is to our community and environment.? We now have recycling centers in Kennedale.? I have a blog every Thursday on the Keep Kennedale Beautiful Facebook page, telling everyone fun facts about recycling.

How long have you been doing this??I started this when I was in the 4th?grade.

What kind of time do you dedicate to this cause??I give a lot of time to recycling and research on recycling.? I still have to make time for school and some play.

How did you develop a passion for recycling??I started by finding out how pollution has killed so many of our sea creatures. I love marine life and all the sea creatures.

Do your recycling efforts involve any travel? Where??No, I have been working on my hometown first, but when I am done here I will have to move to the next town that does not have recycling.

Have you been recognized with any awards??The Keep Texas Beautiful award is my first.

Tell us about the Keep Kennedale Beautiful Commission? How are you a part of it??My mom became part of the Keep Kennedale beautiful board after my first meeting with city council.? She knows I love to be part of beautifying my city, so she takes me with her to almost all their projects.? They do so much for our city and they have been great with all the kids involved.

What?s it like going before the city council??Our Kennedale City Council is the best. They always listen to me and never look at me as just a kid. I?m always a little nervous.

What do you like most about the concept of recycling??I like knowing that one day my kids will have a great place to play, good air to breathe and a clean ocean to swim in.

Describe how your family has supported your interest.?My family has kept me going.? My mom won?t let me give up, even when I wanted to there for a while.? My mom takes me to all the city projects and city meetings. She also registered me in the Keep Texas Beautiful contest.

What kind of student are you? Favorite subject??Work good with others, help others, very trustworthy.

Other interests??I love swimming and drawing, playing video games and hanging out with my friends.

What do you do in your spare time???I love to draw or read a good book, sometimes I write and draw my own books.

How would you describe your personality??My mom said I am outgoing, sweet, and hardheaded.

What are your career plans??Marine biologist, I go to Sea Camp every year at Texas A&M Galveston.? Go Sea Aggies!

What do you like most about school??Seeing my friends and Science.

Who has inspired you and why??My family. They have all helped me with my recycling and it makes them so proud of me and that makes me proud of myself.

Ice cream or apple pie??Chocolate ice cream and apple pie.

Weirdest food indulgence??Butter right out of the butter bowl.

What are you most proud of??My family, friends, city and city council for all their support.


Do you know a special kid 18 years or under with a unique hobby, interest or accomplishment? You can nominate them for an upcoming Kidding Around feature.?

Link to the article and more at Mansfield Magazine http://www.mansfieldmagazine.com/2013/07/23/kidding-around?only_path=true?


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