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City tackles new budget includes first staff raise in 5 years

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According to the statement in the introduction of the proposed budget issued by the City of Kennedale the new budget will raise more revenue from property taxes than last year?s budget by an amount of $103,362, which is a 2.49 percent increase from last year?s budget. The property tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year is $72,755. {{more}}
The slowly rebounding economy has provided some welcome relief for the City of Kennedale. All though sales tax revenue counts for a small part of revenue source for Kennedale, current figures show a strong 10% increase through August from the same time period last year. See

article on upswing in sales taxes. And, the largest revenue source, property taxable value, continues to show improvement with July?s values up 8% over last year.

With the good news, the City of Kennedale is keeping the current property tax rate of $0.7475.
The new budget is further good news for the employees who have not received a general raise in 5 years. Mayor Brian Johnson in the current newsletter says, ?This year the budget includes a three-percent salary increase across the board as part of an effort to improve employee retention and to allow the city to become competitive in the job market.? Read

current city newsletter

The budget also reflects the Council?s priorities of the continued development of the entrance to Kennedale from I-20; rebuilding of the City?s reserves currently sitting at 15% with a goal of 25% over the next several years; continue the restoration of Village Creek so that it meets water quality standards and eventually becomes part of Kennedale?s parks and recreation system; and, to continue to encourage residential and commerce development.
City Manager Bob

Hart noted these fiscal year statistics in relation to the new budget:

  • The General Fund sales and property tax revenues are projected to increase $65,593 from the current year.
  • Sales tax is projected to rise due, in part, to the opening of Burger King and Popeye?s late in the calendar year. Sales tax remains a relatively small part of the city?s general fund and, in fact, has declined relative to state-wide rankings since 1990.
  • The $563,645,098 certified net taxable value for property for July 2014 represents an 8.1% increase over this same time last year.
  • See the complete budget online.

What does this mean to the residents of Kennedale? Even though the tax rate is the same as last year, many residents will see a rise in the their taxes because their property value has increase this year. However, the rate will vary depending on individual property values. There is also a small increase of a $1.00 in the storm water rates with rates going from $2.50 per month to $3.50.

If you would like to express your opinion of the new budget, the City Council is holding a budget hearing this week, Thursday September 11 beginning at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers – 405 Municipal Drive, Kennedale, TX 76060

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