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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Council moves ahead with zoning change for closed racetrack

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With all members present the Kennedale City Council took a number of actions last Monday night in the regular monthly meeting including rezoning of the closed Cowtown Speedway, addressing traffic issues along Kennedale Parkway near I-20 and a zoning change along Swiney Hiett Road. {{more}}
closed race track rezoning …
The Council at the request of the city staff agreed to the rezoning of the Joel Snider Survey A-1448 Tract 1A, an approximately 30-acre tract at 3925 Kennedale New Hope Rd. The property in question is the site of the old Cowtown Speedway. The future land use plan calls for this area to be residential, but the property is currently zoned for commercial use. The rezoning was unanimously approved with all members present. The property no longer operates as a racetrack. See PDF

aerial map of area

traffic issues along Kennedale Parkway ...
Kennedale Police Chief Tommy Williams explained the proposed City Ordinance 580 that would authorize a No-Parking Zone in the 1300 block of Kennedale Parkway. This would include the section of road in front of Quick Trip, Popeye?s Chicken and Burger King and on both sides of the road. A recent study showed that there have been 15 accidents in that area since the opening of the new businesses.
Wiliams said that there were two problems, especially during rush hour traffic in the early morning and late afternoon. One of the issues is vehicles that park on the side of the road to go into the restaurants or Quick Trip. These vehicle especially large rigs block the line of sight for cars attempting to pull out of the parking lots. The Ordinance would designate that as a snot parking zone and would require posting signs and striping the area.
The second issue is vehicles that pull out of Quick Trip or the restaurants attempting to make a left hand turn to reach I-20. Often during high traffic times there will be two or three cars that have pulled out into the median waiting to turn but blocking traffic travelling towards Kennedale. Cheif Williams said that the City would be working with TXDOT to initial any changes there. The Council approved. See Ordinance


rezoning along Swiney Hiett …
A zoning change was also approved for a small area on Swiney Hiett Road. It was requested by builder Summit Custom homes and involves 2.1 acres that was zoned as Agricultural. The request was to change to R1 (single family). Summit plans to build 2-4 homes, each on a minimum of half acre lots. The property is across Swiney Hiett Road from the Beacon Hill development. Summit Homes has built 6-8 homes along Swiney Hiett in the past several years. The request was passed unanimously after a public hearing was held. map

of site

In other action …

  • Approved Ordinance 582 amending Chapter 17, Article VI, ?Zoning?, of

    the code of ordinances of the City of Kennedale, Texas, as amended, by

    establishing new zoning districts, ?Neighborhood Village overlay district? and

    ?Urban Village overlay district,? and regulations for same, including

    regulations on permitted uses, building design, site design, landscaping, and

    signs. Ordinance


  • Approved Ordinance 583 amending Chapter 19 of the code of ordinances

    of the City of Kennedale, Texas, as amended, by amending Article 1-In General,

    to establish cases for senior citizen fee exemption ? the senior exemptions

    have been eliminated by no longer accepting new request. Those who were

    previously granted an exemption have been grandfathered and will keep their

    exemption. See link Ordinance


  • Approved Ordinance 584 amending Chapter 23 of the code of ordinances

    of the City of Kennedale, Texas, as amended, by amending Article 1-In General,

    to establish a method for starting water services and the procedures needed. Ordinance


  • Approved Ordinance 585 amending Chapter 23 of

    the code of ordinances of the City of Kennedale, Texas, as amended, by amending

    Article 1-In General, to establish a billing period and to calculate

    delinquencies. Ordinance


  • Approval Ordinance 586 amending Chapter 23 of

    the code of ordinances of the City of Kennedale, Texas, as amended, by amending

    Article 1-In General, to establish a method for billing commercial accounts for

    stormwater. Ordinance


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