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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Does Kennedale’s Have It’s First Confirmed Case of CONVID-19?

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Is The Coronavirus In Kennedale?

Today, the Kennedale News received several tips about a confirmed case of the Coronavirus within Kennedale limits. In the letter addressed to Seniors, at the Senior Living Community near Sonora Park, it confirmed that a member of their community tested positive for COVID-19. {{more: continue …}}

“We have just received a confirmed of the Coronavirus on [the] property…All contacts should be via phone or email to eliminate possible spreading and to ensure the safety of you and others until further notice.” – Letter from Management

The Management of the property has been contacted for comment but at this time, we have received no statement and will publish anything as we receive it.

According to the CDC website, there are still no cases reported to CDC in Kennedale. Tarrant County can only confirm 10 new cases reported to them, today. We have asked the City if they have received any word. They could not confirm it at this time and were waiting on word from the Health Department. We will be republishing any news from the City, when it is posted.
We are waiting for confirmation from authorities as they work through this process. The Kennedale News would like to remind the public not to panic and follow the guidelines from the CDC.
Here are some links for your information. We are also asking for prayers for our community and country.


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