Run to beat childhood cancer August 20

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Chamber of Commerce and people from across the DFW area to raise money for Childhood Cancer research in honor of a Kennedale family’s beautiful daughter, Brooke, who passed away in 2015 after a five year battle with cancer. {{more: Read more …}}

Her family has dedicated their lives to both improving the lives of young cancer patients through Brooke’s Blossoms and ending the disease once and for all through various fundraising efforts dedicated to funding research and finding a cure. Read more of Brooke’s story at A cause that hits close to home.

Register today and bring your entire family (and your dog) for the 5k race or 1 mile fun run. It’s a great way to have a fun morning together for an incredibly important cause!

Time and Place: August 20, 2016 @ 06:30AM Kennedale TownCenter Park

Register at

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