We have to expand our perspective and challenge ourselves KHS Salutatorian Pablo Cruz offers

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The following is the written text of the speech given by Pablo Cruz, KHS Salutatorian, last week to the graduating class of 2015.
“Wow, it?s finally happening. The end of an era if you will. Well, I don?t know how I ended up here, I?m the type of person that has to form an ?L? with his hand to tell left from right, {{more}}but I did somehow end up being Salutatorian, aka the nice try but not quite there distinction. Despite that, I?m honored to be here.
Before I further run this speech into the ground however, I?d like to say a few thank yous. First off, I?d like to thank (and I?ll temporarily switch to Spanish so they?ll understand me) gracias a mis abuelos y a mis t?os que vinieron desde Mexico para acompa?arme en este dia, and then a big thanks to my sister Larissa, who is always a source of advice, my brother Gabriel, who is almost tolerable, and my parents, who work tirelessly to provide me with everything I?ve ever needed to succeed. I love you guys.
Of course I can?t go on without thanking the dedicated teachers we have at Kennedale, and sure not every teacher is great, but when Coach Gross, Coach Trantham, and Mr. Grotz turn history into something to look forward to; when Mr. Matuni solves programming issues with you; when Mrs. Cook takes a convoluted problem and breaks it down into something decipherable; or when Mrs. Bowens, who despite going through chemo, stays after school to help you personally with Biology, I have to give them a shoutout, and as much as I?d wish to thank every teacher that?s done a superb job, this speech has to end eventually so I can?t.
Lastly, I?d like to thank some of the friends I?ve made here as I?ll certainly miss the experiences we?ve shared. Whether it?s playing at open field with the soccer team, or being friends with people I?ve known since kindergarten like Asim and Martin, messing with the the League of Legends Trinity of William, Jacky, and Tan; playing 13 with Daniel To, getting served at Tennis by Eric Nguyen, hearing Ashley Luu talk about her Harry Potter obsession, having Kenny Hyunh help me with HTML, being enlightened by Dylan Chuong?s plethora of rap knowledge, seeing Blake?s annoyingly great talent for procrastination, or just joking around with Andrew McLaughlin; suffice to say, I?m going to miss you guys.
When I first sat down to write my speech, nothing came to my mind. So, symptomatic of my entire high school career, I turned to the internet to look for examples, to try to find inspiration, and while I did find examples, I didn?t find inspiration. They were all the same bland speeches sprinkled with cliche phrases such as ?Follow your dreams.? and ?Webster’s defines ‘graduation’ as…?.
So I?m not going to pretend that we all bleed Kennedale green or something ridiculous like that because honestly, the only thing I know for sure we all have in common is that our parents did some act in a certain timeframe. I considered rapping this speech as an ode to my savior Kanye West, but I also wanted to keep what little dignity I have. Another idea was that I would talk about how if we go by the current US life expectancy that we?re about to finish the first quarter of our lives, but then I realized the life expectancy doesn?t account for the upcoming rapture. I also thought I could talk about how we?ll impact the world and how one of us might be destined to be president of the United States, but that?s also unlikely because Texas will probably have seceded by then.
I thought I?d never find something good enough to talk about and I was on the verge of panicking, until I remembered that there was no reason for me to panic, because no matter how unbearable this speech would be, the next day I?d wake up with a future that I have control over. We?re about to move onto a different time in our lives, and now we get to decide how we?ll spend our time, who we keep in touch with, and what we give meaning to. You?re not obligated to live your life a certain way, nor should you anchor yourself to other people?s opinions, the important thing is that you do you.
In Good Morning by Kanye West, Kanye raps that, ?Some people graduate but be still stupid?. No, I?m not calling you guys stupid, but I do think he?s right to an extent. A high school education is great, but there?s more to an education than just grades and diplomas. To become truly educated, we have to expand our perspective and challenge ourselves. Sometimes it?ll be hard, other people will seem to achieve success effortlessly while you barely make it through the day, but that?s life, it?s not fair, and the only thing you can do is to keep persevering as best as you can. Question yourself, reevaluate why you believe certain things, and why you live your life the way you do. I personally followed that advice and look where I ended up: single, stressed-out, and forced to do public speaking. But in all seriousness, be yourself, and strive to be the best person you can be, because that?s the only thing you can guarantee yourself.
Guys, it?s been an incredible ride. This is a milestone, and I still can?t believe we?ve reached it. The memories we?ve made here will shape us for the rest of our lives, and I wouldn?t have wished to experience them with anyone else. It?s been an honor,”
“I wish you guys the best, congratulations class of 2015!”

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