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Thursday, January 16, 2025

Krieger in the race for KISD Board

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Jeff Krieger is running for Place 3 on the Kennedale ISD Board of Trustees. He is challenging incumbent Joe Taylor. The election is May 9 with early voting starting April 27 and continuing until May 5. {{more}}

Mr. Krieger provided the following information to the Kennedale News. (As a service to the community, the Kennedale News is giving the opportunity to each candidate in both the city and school district elections to provide a statement about their candidacy).

See Taylor


  • Superintendent and Principal certifiedCurrently in my 16th year of employment in public education
  • Including 4 years as an assistant principal at Kennedale High School
  • Named Region XI Assistant Principal of the Year by TASSP in 2013
  • Master?s Degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
  • Bachelors of Science in Education
  • Married for 17 years to an elementary school teacher
  • Father of two children who attend Kennedale ISD schools
Why am I running for school board?
  1. First, and foremost, I have a great desire to continue to provide leadership in the school district where my children receive their education. I greatly enjoyed my years in KISD working with the parents, teachers, and students. Because of these positive experiences I would like to continue to work in the district via a position on the school board.
  2. I feel the skill sets I bring to the community allows the voters to place a veteran educator on the school board. I was a classroom teacher for 11 years, an assistant principal for 4 years, and I now work in curriculum and instruction for a neighboring district. With these tools I can advocate effectively and efficiently for the different stakeholders within our school district community.
  3. I feel compelled to provide a fresh perspective to the board as well as a desire to engage the board in developing a strategic three or five year plan for our school district.
  • To be a knowledgeable and trusted advocate for all stakeholders of the Kennedale ISD community
  • To create a climate of trust, innovation, and accountability between the board and KISD community
  • To ensure instruction and student learning are at the forefront of the decisions made on the school board
  • To develop positive, meaningful, and responsible relationships with parents, teachers, students, and school administrators in Kennedale ISD

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