Faith vs Doubt


This is not just the battle of the mind but of what is the truth and what is believed. Unlike what science teaches about opposite poles attracting one another, faith and doubt are opposing to one another, and cannot co-exist nor be attracted to each other. They are like light to darkness, and day to night. Both are not the same in all ratification, and are often in warfare.

Faith is a conscious convincing decision we make, and is the substance of things we hope for i.e. being certain or confident of certain things (Hebrews 11:1). On the other hand, doubt is a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction that comes out of fear that cripples, paralyses, limits, and hinders a person from doing what he/she needs to do. Doubt is unbelief, and is not pleasing to God.

As God’s children, God does not want us to live in fear nor unbelief. Thus, we possess the spirit of power, love, and of a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7) by faith in Christ. It is imperative to note that the Word of God also gives faith (Romans 10:17), and it is important to have faith to overcome doubt. So, before you allow your doubts to weaken your faith, doubt your doubts first by challenging your doubts with the Word of Faith.

It can be said that many of our doubts come from our thoughts, and what we listen to that breeds fear. We must remember that just as faith comes by reading and hearing the Word of God, doubt also comes by listening to the voices or giving attention to things that opposes the Word of Faith. Thus, we must be careful whom we listen to, and give power over us. Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones once said, “Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself? We must talk to ourselves instead of allowing ourselves to talk to us!” 

In addition, Apostle James likened a doubting person to a sea wave tossed and blown by the wind in James 1:6. He charged followers of Christ to pray believing by faith, and not to doubt. You can see that we fall prey to our doubts when we allow them to dictate to us. Therefore, we must take charge and talk to ourselves from the Word of God that gives life to our dreams and desires; and dispels our fears.

You are in a warfare and cannot afford to lose. Doubt is depressing and retards progress in life. If you dare to be great in life and want to do great exploits, doubt can hinder and cripple you just as sin would. However, strength and power to fight opposing negative elements comes from a more forceful but positive source i.e. the Word of God. They are inseparable!

Let us remain dressed up for battle with the Whole Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18), and take up the sword (the Word of God) to destroy Satan’s fiery darts hurled at us. We are favored to win but we must fight to win. We must be resilient in our faith and what we confess. We must constantly resist doubt as it presents itself and never give up.

I pray the Lord bless you as you fight the good fight. Amen!


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