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Kennedale Police Incident Reports Sept 20 – Oct 3, 2020

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The following is based on the City of Kennedale Police reports for the time period given. This does not include calls for which no report was written, and some of these offenses — after further investigation — may be deemed unfounded. Read more @ http://www.cityofkennedale.com/99/Police

Police Reports: 09/20/20 – 09/26/20

9/20 — Burglary of Vehicle
E. Kennedale Parkway
At 10:41 a.m. a victim reported that his unsecured vehicle was left overnight behind his business. The vehicle was entered during the night and numerous personal items were removed by unknown person(s). 

9/20 —Assault Bodily Injury (Family Violence)
Hilltop Drive
At 5:16 p.m. an officer received a report of a family violence assault. A juvenile female victim reported being assaulted by her father during an argument. The victim suffered a fractured wrist in the assault. The father was not present at the time of the report. 

9/21 — Hit and Run Accident
Sublett Road
At 5:42 p.m. officers responded to a major accident. A female operator reported that a second vehicle struck her and sent her spinning out of control into a field. The second vehicle did not stop. 

9/22 —Fraud Use/Possession of Identifying Info
Lakewood Drive
At 1:43 p.m. an officer received a report of identity theft. A male victim reported that an unknown person had used his information to apply for unemployment benefits through the Texas Workforce Commission. 

9/24 —Application for Mental Detention and Observation
W. Mistletoe Drive
At 8:57 p.m. officers responded to an emotionally disturbed person. A juvenile female was angry and out of control over an argument that she was having with a male juvenile. The female made comments about thoughts of harming herself. A family member reported that the female has tried to harm herself in the past. The female was transported to JPS Hospital for an emergency mental detention and evaluation. 

9/25 — Drugs/Narcotics
W. Kennedale Parkway
At 8:55 p.m. an officer stopped a vehicle for an equipment violation. The vehicle was occupied by two males and a female, all adults. During the investigation and interview, the male driver was found to be in possession of methamphetamine. He was placed under arrest for transport to jail and booking.

9/26 — Assault on Family Member (Impede Breath/Circulation)
Corry A. Edwards Drive
At 7:10 p.m. officers responded to a domestic disturbance. A husband and wife were in an argument when the husband grabbed the wife, causing her to be unable to breathe. The husband was arrested for family violence assault and transported to jail for booking. The victim was treated at the scene by paramedics.

Police Reports: 09/27/20 – 10/03/20

9/28 — Theft $100 to $750
Sublett Road
At 10:07 a.m. a victim reported that unknown person(s) removed a yard sign valued at $300.00 from his property.

9/29 — Criminal Mischief $100 to $750
Industrial Drive
At 9:30 a.m. a victim reported an attempted theft of a vehicle. The victim’s inoperable Ford truck was broken into and the steering column damaged. 

9/30 — Driving While Intoxicated
W. Kennedale Parkway
At 7:42 p.m. officers responded to a male passed out in a vehicle. Officers discovered an adult male asleep in a vehicle with the engine idling and the transmission in drive. When the male was awakened, the vehicle was secured so that he could exit the vehicle. The male appeared to be extremely intoxicated. He was unable to successfully complete a field sobriety assessment due to his being unable to stand without assistance. The male was placed under arrest for DWI.

10/2 — Assault Bodily Injury (Family Violence)
Danny Drive
At 12:54 a.m. officers responded to a domestic disturbance. An adult female reported being assaulted by her juvenile daughter. The daughter admitted to the assault but during the investigation made threats to do self-harm. The juvenile was transported to JPS Hospital for an emergency mental detention and evaluation. The assault (family violence) charge will be filed at a later date.

10/3 — Application for Mental Detention and Observation
E. Kennedale Parkway
At 5:32 p.m. officers responded to an emotionally disturbed person call. Dispatch reported that the caller had stated he wanted to commit “suicide by cop” and that the male was depressed. On making contact with the male, he admitted to the statements. He also claimed to have tried to harm himself earlier in the day. The male was transported to JPS Hospital for an emergency mental detention and evaluation.

NOTE: The above items are based on police reports. They do not include calls for which no report was written, and some of these offenses — after further investigation — may be deemed unfounded. Therefore, this data should not be viewed as or used to calculate official statistics. Kennedale Police Department

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